R4H is a local NGO working to improve healthcare delivery in Africa. Our vision and mission include:
Vision: “a world in which healthcare reaches everyone, everywhere”
Mission: “To make the last mile the most important mile in health care delivery; creating efficient solutions for achieving truly equitable access to healthcare”
R4H achieves this by managing motorcycles and motor vehicles on a reliable, predictable and cost-effective basis, to support the work of its partners whose aim is to reach rural communities with healthcare services. Through implementation of the national Sample Transport system, R4H has trained and deployed 86 couriers that transport samples and results across all health facilities in Malawi. Effective sample transport tangibly contributes to better health prognosis for all patients.
R4H transports health care waste which is often hazardous and has done so with limited resources to ensure the most effective management of this waste and ultimately, to limit the impact on people and the planet.
We undertake Road Safety Training, vehicle servicing and provision of appropriate riding gear and equipment to contribute to less road accident fatalities.
For more information on what we do, click here.